Post-graduate and doctorate program are for those who desire to expertise in a specific field of study, as well as in methodical research of a specific field. People who hold Master's or Doctorate's degree has the higher chance to get better salary offer from companies, either in Japan or other countries including Indonesia. Expertise in specific study field is beneficial for both corporate employed professional and self-employed professional.


Prospective Post-Graduate and Doctorate students are required to contact their supervisor personally since it is mandatory that the field of research to be corresponding one another. 


It is important for prospective student to discuss about their research field, method, plan, and topic to the supervisor before enrolling and accepted in the desired university.

Tips On Looking For Research Supervisor

Ask for assistance from your supervisor in the university in Indonesia where you study.

Gain information from University's website.

Gain information from supervisor/professor's personal web page.Utilize your search engine with specific and appropriate keywords.

Examples of website to visit in gaining information about research supervisor/professors: 

J Global :

Read & Research Map :

Academic Research Database Repository :

NDL (National Diet Library) search :